First up is AMBA. I didn't trade this one but I was tempted to sell a call spread earlier in the week when it approached then exceeded that gray line at about 120. I decided not to step in front of that freight train and the stock ran away to the upside Note however that it paused and turned back at the 423% line right at about 127.

Next up is AET. Recall I traded this one in my prior post week and sold my calls right at the red line at about 120.05. This week I noticed that the stock popped up through that old resistance level and quickly moved up to the 123 area. At that point, I figured the stock would go higher but was not exactly sure how high. So I did a conservative trade and sold the 120/122 put spread for a credit of 0.7 and got filled on a pullback. That trade went out at max profit since the stock closed just above 124.

In summary - and I know I have said this before - I think Fiblines are the most amazing discovery in my 30+ years trading the markets. What's also amazing is that others charge $1000 plus $50 a month for this indicator, yet I give it away completely for free.
To get your hands on the free Fib Lines indicator for Thinkorswim, send an e-mail to:
Enjoy your weekend.