Another snow storm, some Forex Robots drawdown, and a walloping in the stock market teamed up to make this a week I would rather forget.
Okay, the snow isn't as bad as in the photo which is from Russia, but it did require 2.5 hours of hard labor to clear the driveway before starting my workday on Thursday.
Stocks whipped me around as well, first lifted into eurphoria based on great earnings from Netflix and a huge gap up in price. I expected the same from Amazon, but instead got trashed on Friday, giving back about 1.5% of my portfolio for the day. Like I said, a week worth forgetting.
Also, we finally started to see some expected drawdown on the forex robots accounts so let's do the numbers.
The week's winner was Atinalla #3 Live and its demo counterpart which picked up just under 4% for the week with nice winners in USD/JPY and USD/CHF. Nice job Daniel on a collection of systems well conceived, designed and in this case executed.
FX-Regression Live had a pretty good week winning on 6 out of 8 trades, but gave most of it back on Friday with a USD/CAD trade that went bad. The position lost more than I would have expected it to because the narrow ATR caused the system to increase the lot size to nearly 9% of the account versus the risk setting of 5%. Even so, this system has had a pretty good run so far and we are due for some drawdown.
Last year is a good case study in the trading history of FX-Regression. The system was up as much as 24% for the year as of April of 2010, before giving it all back and going slightly negative in September 2010. It then recovered and ended up about 16% for the year. So the system has a high degree of randomness in the outcomes, and you just have to have confidence that it has a statistical edge which I believe it does. Time will tell.
Atinalla FE came alive on Friday and sold EUR/USD, a trade which is still open.
Atinalla #4 with Sapaq Modifications is a new account i'm starting to track this week. This is a combination of many Asirkuy systems which (based on backtesting anyway) earned close to 75% average annual gain over 10 years with a maximum drawdown of only 16%. This is by far the best performing portfolio up on Asirikuy.

That's all for now, have a great week all.