Just as the leaves fall from the trees, last week's bliss has given way as nearly all of the systems I follow went into drawdown this past week. Let's get through the results and talk about next steps and future developments.
First up is Megadroid Live which gave back 72 pips or roughly 7%. This is the 'Droid's first drawdown since July and breaks a streak of 26 consecutive winning trades. This system remains up 23.6% for the year and has shown its ability to recover from drawdown. Important to note is that the system is now in "recovery mode" which will either lead to a quick equity recover or further drawdown.
Next up is Megadroid Demo which runs on FXDD and managed to sidestep the live's account's trade and exit with a 1-pip profit. Apparently, FXDD has a fixed, 2-pip spread on EUR/USD and i'll soon find out how good it really is since I'm in the process of funding a live account with FXDD.
Next up is Atinalla #1 which had a pretty good week and picked up 146 pips or almost 3% on a short EUR/USD trade. This system is now up about 20% since starting it back in late July.
Next up is Atinalla #3 which had after a few days idle, put on a sell trade on GBP/USD which is currently down nearly 100 pips.
The Q-Diamond twins finally came off the bench as Forex.com somehow changed their system suffix from PRO to FXF which allowed the Q-Diamonds to start trading again. Q-Diamond EUR/USD picked up over 100 pips but is down about 41% since startup. Its sister account Q-Aussie is up about 19% since startup and picked up 39 pips on the week. Unfortunately, it went into the weekend with about 149 pips in drawdown, so its clear that the years gains are in jeopardy on this move. I'm having doubts whether I can really trust live funds with these systems.
Finally, one bright spot of the week was God's Gift Duo Live. This system gave back -65 pips earlier in the week, but went out long EUR/USD with a 46 pip profit. This was a late-day surprise on Friday that closed out Friday's session with a smile.
As mention, I opened a new live account with FXDD and funding is in progress. I'm expecting a 5% funding bonus and ongoing rebates from Trader's Choice FX. I'm adding 4K and expect to split it into 2 accounts, one trading the Megadroid/ScalperX combo and the other trading Atinalla #3.
I'm considering some options for trading Atinalla #1. This system is one of the real gems of Daniel's work and I want to trade it in its pure form without any compromises. The Megadroid guys suggested Fin FX as a non-US broker with no US locations. If anybody out there has any suggestions for alternatives, please leave me a comment.
Next Tuesday Nov 2 is election day in the US. And House member Barney Frank is up for re-election in Massachusetts. He is the co-author of the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill that got us to these new ridiculous Forex Regulations. So if you are located in Mass, please do us all a favor and vote for the other guy.
Next up in the Watukushay trading systems review series in WA_FE , also known as Watukushay for Everyone. Check back later for that and enjoy your hard-earned weekend.